title: How I like my macOS
date: 2020-08-27
{% extends 'templates/base.html' %}
{% block body %}
{% markdown %}
A list of stuff I want in a fresh macOS install.
## System Preferences
- Text to Speech (in Accessibility)
- ⌥ ⎋ shortcut
- High WPM
- Download Samantha voice
- Keyboard
- Layout is Colemak.
- Enable Emoji viewer
- Caps is Escape.
- Disable spelling corrections.
- Trackpad
- Click to drag
- 3-finger drag (in Accessibility)
- Hot corners
- Lower left: _Show Desktop_
- Lower right: _Notification Center_
- Upper right: _Mission Control_
## Misc stuff
- Week numbers in Calendar:
- Preferences, Advanced, _Show week numbers_.
- Plain text in TextEdit:
- Preferences, switch from _Rich text_ to _Plain text_.
## Homebrew
$ brew install \
entr \
jq \
pre-commit \
ripgrep \
{% endmarkdown %}
{% endblock %}