--- title: How I like my macOS date: 2020-08-27 --- {% extends 'templates/base.html' %} {% block body %}

{{ title }}

{% markdown %} A list of stuff I want in a fresh macOS install. [TOC] ## System Preferences - Text to Speech (in Accessibility): - ⌥ ⎋ shortcut. - High WPM. - Download Samantha voice. - Keyboard: - Layout is Colemak. - Enable Emoji viewer. - Caps is Escape. - Disable spelling corrections. - Trackpad: - Click to drag. - 3-finger drag (in Accessibility). - Hot corners: - Lower left: _Show Desktop_. - Lower right: _Notification Center_. - Upper right: _Mission Control_. ## Misc stuff - Week numbers in Calendar: - Preferences, Advanced, _Show week numbers_. - Plain text in TextEdit: - Preferences, switch from _Rich text_ to _Plain text_. - Show URLs on hover in Safari: - View, enable _Show Status Bar_. ## Homebrew ```sh $ brew install \ entr \ jq \ moreutils \ pre-commit \ ripgrep \ rlwrap \ tmux ``` ## No `.DS_Store` files on remote devices $ defaults write com.apple.desktopservices DSDontWriteUSBStores -bool true $ defaults write com.apple.desktopservices DSDontWriteNetworkStores -bool true ## Custom sound effects 1. Move e.g. `Honk.aiff` to `/Library/Audio/Sounds/Alerts/`. 2. Open _System Preferences > Sound > Sound Effects_. 3. Select "Honk". ## Misc / other - [Resetting the SMC](https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT201295) can apparently help if e.g. the GPU is being screwy. ### How to print double-sided / duplex 1. In the print dialog, click _Show Details_, then _Paper Handling_. 2. Set the _Pages to Print_ to _Odds Only_. 3. Print. 4. Take the paper direct from the out-tray to the in-tray. 5. In the print dialog, click _Show Details_, then _Paper Handling_. 6. Set the _Pages to Print_ to _Odds Only_. 7. Set the _Page Order_ to _Reverse_. 8. Print. {% endmarkdown %}
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